I KneeData was created to host more advanced learning tools for the community, and bring you complex data built to be easily digested and understood, but also flexible to your liking.
- Calculator: This app allows the user to calculate trajectories after being hit by any move with a large amount of variables. You can compare trajectories, label them and share them with a unique url.
- Heatmaps: This app visualizes all of your character's options from certain states, the space they can cover and how fast. You can switch any attack or frame number on and off, to allow only the options you want to be displayed. You can then play an animation in real game speed (60fps) or half and quarter speed, which plays your selected hitboxes as they would appear in game.
The Graphs & Gfys and Vids & Threads sections, are up to date resources for new quality content by the community that are in a similar vein as the apps, with a handful of older stuff too.

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